Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Year 2. In this class, there will be Miss Ward and Miss Bradley who are so excited to be working with you.
The classroom has had a fabulous makeover, designed to support children's learning and make it a calm, working environment.
We have got an action-packed year planned ahead. Please see below about the exciting learning taking place in Year 2 and any updates you need for the year.
What do you need to know?
- PE will be on a Wednesday afternoon
- Spelling tests will be on a Friday
- Read with your child at least 3 times a week
Our topic for this half term will be Brilliant Britain.
Our trip to the Toy Museum - 26/11/24
Year 2 had a fabulous trip to Ilkley Toy Museum. They loved looking at all the old toys and finding out how some of them worked. They had the chance to play with some too!
Art Day - 9/10/24
Across school, we have been looking at self-portraits. In year 2, we have been looking specifically at how to draw eyes and mouths. We have also been practicing different drawing skills such as hatching and cross-hatching.
We have some future artists in our class!
Poetry Week - w/c 30th September
Year 2 have been learning all about poetry and learnt how to write their own poems. We then performed them to the class.
For our next maths topic, we are looking at money. Please have a look at the vocabulary, models and images below to support your child with their maths learning.
Check out Year 2 using their knowledge organisers to help them spell numerals as words.
Year 2 have been using cubes to help them identify fact families and number bonds to 10. They have also been using hundred squares to support them with adding and subtracting ones.
We also have access to an amazing website where you can access different units we look at in Maths. They link directly to White Rose Maths, the scheme we follow.
In English, we will be reading the Katie Morag stories.
Year 2 have been working on their handwriting. They have been focusing on writing on the lines and their letter sizing. We have some beautiful writers in our class!
In science, children will be exploring animals, including humans and their needs for survival. Please see the knowledge organiser below to find out what they will be learning.
Year 2 have been looking at the properties of different materials and using key words to describe them.
Year 2 have been investigating how much materials can stretch.